Giving Your Time & Talent

We welcome new and existing volunteers to be trained in any role they are interested in and we are flexible in our scheduling to accommodate your preferences! Our ministry roles are listed below. If you have questions about any of the roles, please contact the church office, we’re happy to help you.

To signup, please contact the church office, or 479-524-8782.

Liturgy & Worship

Eucharistic Minister (EM)
Assists the celebrant by administering the chalice during Holy Communion. Open to all confirmed members who are at least 16 years old.

Worship Leader (Psalms & Prayers)
Reads the psalm and prayers of the people during a Holy Eucharist service, and can officiate Morning and Evening Prayer services. Open to all confirmed members who are at least 16 years old. (In the early service this person also reads the second lesson.)

Assists in worship by lighting and extinguishing candles, holding a torch for the Gospel reading, helping with the presentation of the elements, and assisting the priest or deacon in preparation of the altar for Holy Communion. This is a ministry open to children and youth as well as adults.

Reads the lessons that precede the Gospel (either the Old Testament or Epistle reading). This is among the oldest of the liturgical lay ministries. This is a ministry open to children and youth as well as adults.

Usher / Greeter
Welcome guests and members at the beginning of each service by handing out bulletins and directing people to open seats. During the offertory they present the Eucharist elements, collect the offering, and direct the congregation to communion.

Altar Guild
This group maintains the altar & sacristy of the church. Its members also assist in the preparations for Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter liturgies. Altar Guild members trade off monthly roles of preparing the altar. Duties are shared among members.

Christian Formation*

Episcopal Kids Community (EKC) Volunteer
Work with kids ages 5+ on Sunday mornings and for special events.

Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) Volunteer
Work with the Grace Youth (Jr. & Sr. High) on Sunday evenings.

* Safeguarding God’s Children, a child abuse prevention training, is administered to all staff and volunteers working with children. For more information on this training, please contact Lora Walsh or Bay GreenHill.


Coffee Host

9-10 AM  Coffee Host
Responsible for making coffee carafes and setting out beverage items by 11:00 a.m.

Other Opportunities

Prayer List
Regular prayer for requests from our church community. If you would like to submit a prayer request, please contact the church office,

Committee Member
Grace has a number of volunteer opportunities, including...

  • Outreach & Justice Committee 

  • Baird Food Pantry 

  • Koeller Community Garden

If you would like to volunteer, please contact or call our office 479-524-8782